PAUSE & Le Monde event - Rebuilding what was destroyed

8 Sep 2022 | News, Events

The PAUSE program cordially invites you to the event it will hold on September 26, 2022 in partnership with Le Monde. Researchers and artists from Ukraine, Afghanistan and Iraq will be gathered to discuss the issue of the protection of scientific, cultural and artistic heritage in the context of conflict. Speakers will focus on how and why, in the wake of armed conflicts, culture, science and art, and through them scientists and artists, are driving forces of reconstruction, dialogue and reconciliation.


6.30p.m : Panel : The protection of scientific and cultural heritage and communities in order to rebuild peace

Moderated by Emmanuel Davidenkoff • editor in chief, in charge of events and editorial partnerships at Le Monde

Laura Lohéac •
Executive Director of the French Hosting Program for Scientists and Artists in Exile (PAUSE) - Collège de France
Valéry Freland • Director of the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH)

Julie Trébault • Director of Artists at Risk Connection
Roya Heydari • Afghan photographer and filmmaker
Iryna Koval-Fuchylo • Ukrainian art historian
Omar Mohammed • Iraqi historian

6.30p.m : "Standing For Freedom" : contributing to a memory of scientific in exile

Buket Türkmen
Professor of Sociology


From 6p.m, you will have the opportunity to discover the “Standing For Freedom” exhibition on Le Monde’s parvis, in the presence of the project’s authors, Pascal Laborier and Pierre-Jérôme Adjedj. The exhibition will be in free access until the end of October.

-> Download the complete program in french or in english.

Practical information


Le Monde Newspaper

67, Avenue Pierre Mendès France

75013, Paris

Métros :
Gare D’Austerlitz (ligne 5, 10 et RER C)

Bus : Lignes 24, 61,63, 89 Et 215

Parking : Indigo Paris Cité De La Mode – Austerlitz, 29 Quai d’Austerlitz, 75013 Paris

Simultaneous translation in French & English