
European Consortium

The InSPIREurope initiative was launched in 2019 by ten partner organizations, including the PAUSE programme, to support at-risk researchers. This European alliance is coordinated by Scholars at Risk Europe at Maynooth University in Ireland. It is funded by the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

At a time when a record number of at-risk researchers are turning to Europe for help, no country, government, NGO or company is able to rise to the challenge. The ambitious and coordinated InSPIREurope approach provides this support.

Building on the work undertaken by InSPIREurope (2019-2022), the InSPIREurope+ project will run until 2025.


InSPIREurope+ aspires to:

  • Promote good European support measures for at-risk researchers;
  • Encourage the development of new support initiatives, particularly in central, southern and eastern Europe;
  • Facilitate greater coordination and peer-learning between research and innovation initiatives in Europe;
  • Make practical recommendations on sustaining support over the long term.


The partners of the project are:

InSPIREurope+ also receives support from the following associate partners and international partners:

InSPIREurope+ forum

By organizing forums, InSPIREurope+ aims to build bridges between academia and the non-academic sector to facilitate the integration of at-risk researchers.

The inaugural InSPIREurope forum was organized by the PAUSE programme with support from SAR Europe on June 8, 2020. To access videos and a round-up of the forum, go to the
website of Scholars At Risk Europe, which is the project coordinator.


The InSPIREurope+ project organizes a series of webinars in English for at-risk researchers and also potential employers and host institutions in Europe. They are aimed at at-risk researchers in their countries of origin who are seeking refuge or who have recently sought refuge in Europe. Registration is free and open to all.

To view past webinars, go to
Scholars At Risk Europe website.


InSPIREurope Recommandations: Expanding Opportunities in Europe for Research at Risk.

Download the report


InSPIREurope+ Recommendations: National Fellowship Schemes for Researchers at Risk.

Download the report


Researchers at Risk: An Update on National-Level Actions in Europe.

Download the report


In order to assist PAUSE programme beneficiaries when they arrive in France and to facilitate their integration, we have formed partnerships with non-profit associations specializing in providing support for researchers and artists in situation of migration.

The Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA)

CARA was founded in 1933 by British scientists and intellectuals in response to Hitler’s decision to expel hundreds of researchers from German universities due to their ethnicity or political convictions. Today, CARA helps at-risk academics forced into exile, and those who decide to stay in their country of origin despite the risks involved. CARA also supports higher education institutions whose activities are at risk or compromised.


The Institute of International Education - Scholar Rescue Fund ® (IIE-SRF)

Since 1922, the IIE Scholar Rescue Fund has been supporting the hosting of professors, researchers and intellectuals whose lives and careers are threatened in their countries of origin. One-year scholarships, which can be renewed, enable them to be hosted and to pursue their research in higher education and research institutions internationally.


Philipp Schwartz initiative of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Launched in 2016, the Philipp Schwartz Initiative was created by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This fund enables German universities and research institutions to host at-risk foreign researchers for a period of 24 months by offering research scholarships. Co-funding is also available so that institutions can extend this hosting after the first two years.


Scholars at Risk (SAR)

Scholars at Risk is an international network of institutions and individuals founded in 1999. Its objective is to protect scholars and uphold academic freedoms. This organization facilitates hosting for scholars at risk by universities and higher education and research institution partners worldwide. Scholars at Risk has national sections in many countries (the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Norway, Canada, etc.).


Artist Protection Fund – Institute of International Education

Established in 2015, the Artist Protection Fund supports artists at risk through artistic residencies at the programme's partner institutions. Artists from all countries and artistic disciplines are eligible. Applications are considered on the basis of artistic merit, the quality and potential of the applicants' work, and the severity of the threats they face.



Artists at Risk Connection (ARC)

Artists at Risk Connection is a project of Pen America which aims at protecting artistic freedom of expression and ensuring that artists and cultural professionals around the world can live and work without fear. Since its inception in 2017, ARC has helped more than 500 artists and cultural professionals from over 63 countries by connecting them to a wide range of services, including emergency funds, legal assistance, temporary relocation programmes and scholarships.


Science in Exile

The Science in Exile initiative brings together at-risk, displaced and refugee scientists along with like-minded organizations. They work together to strengthen the systems that support, protect and integrate such scientists. Science in Exile is an initiative led by UNESCO's World Academy of Sciences, the InterAcademy Partnership, and the International Council for Science that is designed to help the scientific and political communities enable these scientists to continue their research and training.


Our non-profit
sector partners

In order to assist PAUSE programme beneficiaries when they arrive in France and to facilitate their integration, we have formed partnerships with non-profit associations specializing in providing support for researchers and artists in situation of migration.


Coordinated by the French Conference of University Presidents (CPU) since 2009, this French network became a non-profit association in January 2013.


The non-profit association EURAXESS France has 39 members, comprising institutions hosting EURAXESS centers (COMUE, universities, non-profit associations, foundations) and partner non-profit associations represented by its bodies.


With 42 centres nationwide offering full geographical coverage, the EURAXESS France network has approximately one hundred people working daily on behalf of doctoral researchers and foreign researchers.


Association Bernard Gregory (ABG)

Founded in 1980, the L’Association Bernard Gregory works to support the professional development of doctorate holders, the innovative capabilities of businesses, and to promote skills acquired through research activity.


Through a wide array of initiatives, the ABG:

  • Promotes closer ties between the economic world and academia;
  • Facilitates professional mobility for doctorate holders;
  • Helps businesses with recruitment;
  • Supports higher education institutions.


The ABG is supported by the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research, CNRS, and public and private stakeholders. The ABG develops and facilitates training courses focusing on the transition of PAUSE programme participants into employment. These sessions are organized twice a year.


Association pour l'Emploi des cadres (APEC)

The Association pour l'Emploi des Cadres (APEC) supports executives and young graduates at key stages in their career paths, and helps companies find the executive skills they need. Apec works to promote professional integration by offering advice, training and jobs throughout France, through its 12 regional delegations and its offices in the French Overseas Territories.


APEC designs and runs workshops and training courses for PAUSE laureates, helping them to reintegrate into the workforce.


For more information, see our page on support with career development.


Mobiculture is a resource centre specialised in helping artists and culture professionals from all disciplines and their respective organisations with the legal, administrative and practical aspects of coming to France. MobiCulture provides practical information and a helpdesk online and runs information sessions, workshops and training courses. MobiCulture enjoys the support of the French ministry of Culture and the Centre national de la musique.